Terms and Conditions



“Professional Conference Organizer” hereinafter referred to as “PCO”: PT Energi Kreatif Dinamika is the PCO of the Indonesia Economic Summit, which takes place from 03 to 04 December 2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The PCO supports the Summit secretariat, and is responsible for registration services, sound & light, translation, decoration and social is hereinafter referred to as “On Us Asia”.

“IBC“: Indonesian Business Council Limited is the Summit organizer.

“Attendee”: Any registered person, participant, accompanying person, media representative or speaker present at the 2024 Indonesia Economic Summit is hereinafter referred to as “Attendee”.

“Summit”: The Indonesia Economic Summit, which takes place from 03 to 04 December 2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia, is hereinafter referred to as “the Summit”.

1. Registration
  1. 1.1.
    Only registered Attendees will be permitted access to the Summit.
  2. 1.2.
    To be eligible to register for the Summit, Attendees must be at least 21 years old. Attendees may be asked to present an official identity card stating their age.
  3. 1.3.
    IBC reserves the right not to confirm registrations, based on participants’ title or venue capacity among other criteria.
  4. 1.4.
    The registration deadlines are as follows:
  • Registration deadline: Due date: 26th November 2024
  1. 1.5.
    The registration will only be confirmed upon confirmation email from the Summit Organizer in the allotted 10 business days
  2. 1.6.
    The Registration includes admission to all Summit sessions subject to venue capacity requirements, lunches, refreshments during breaks and gala dinner.
  3. 1.7.

    To register as a media representative, please contact Ms. Kartika Susanti (Kartika.susanti@business-council.id) There is no registration fee for accredited media representatives. All press accreditations will be subject to approval by IBC’s Communications department

  4. 1.8.
    Name changes can only be conducted by contacting registration@indonesiaeconomicsummit. Name changes will only be accepted if the replacement holds the same seniority or level of responsibilities and only until the registration deadline on 26th November 2024.
2. Letter of Confirmation
  1. 2.1.
    Confirmation will be sent by email once IBC has received the fully completed registration form.
3. Cancellation Policy
  1. 3.1.
    Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent to registration@indonesiaeconomicsummit.com
  2. 3.2.

    The registration is not deemed cancelled unless written acknowledgement is received from IBC.

  3. 3.3.

    Should the Attendee wish to cancel their attendance, any other administration, accommodation, travel or insurance costs incurred by the Attendee are the sole responsibility of the Attendee.

4. Cancellation of the Summit
  1. 4.1.

    In the event that the Summit cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of IBC (force majeure) or due to events, which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of the Summit Organizer, IBC cannot be held liable by the Attendee for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, financial losses, etc.

  2. 4.2.
    Under these circumstances, the Summit will be rescheduled for new dates
5. Summit Programme, Material and Name Badges
  1. 5.1.
    All Summit materials and name badges will be handed out on-site at the Summit registration counter.
  2. 5.2.
    The name badge must be worn during all Summit-related events. Access to the Summit facilities will not be granted without a proper name badge. If the Attendee loses, misplaces or forgets the name badge, a handling fee of IDR 200,000,- will be charged for a new name badge. Upon handing out a new name badge, the lost badge will become invalid.
6. Summit Venue

The Attendee shall comply with all relevant building regulations, health & safety and other regulatory requirement and any and all Government rules and regulations:

  1. 6.1.
    Audio visual equipment (including without limitation microphones, and radios) or other sound devices operated in a manner objectionable to the Organizers shall be prohibited, and the Attendee shall immediately cease using such equipment if so requested by the Organizers.
  2. 6.2.
    Attendance hours shall be controlled solely by the Organizers, who will specify hours etc. Admission shall be by badge, and identification badges will not be transferable.
7. Property
  1. 7.1.
    The Organizers are not responsible for any loss of property, theft or any damage by fire or other means. Items left unattended are the sole responsibility of the owner. IBC is hereby expressly released from any liabilities for damage there from.
  2. 7.2.
    IBC is not responsible for any loss, damage or delay incurred in freight shipments (transport, handling and clearing) into and out of the country in which the event is held. The Attendee is urged to adequately insure all shipments.
8. Visa for International Attendees
  1. 8.1.
    It is the sole responsibility of the Attendee to take care of their visa requirements. Attendees who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Attendees should contact the nearest embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications.
  2. 8.2.
    IBC will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants
  3. 8.3.
    Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation can request one from the Summit secretariat via email to registration@indonesiaeconomicsummit.com. To receive a Letter of Invitation, Attendees must first start the registration for the Summit.
  4. 8.4.
    Letters of Invitation will not be sent after 26th November 2024.
  5. 8.5.
    The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate IBC or any of their related partners in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the Summit are the sole responsibility of the Attendee.
  6. 8.6.
    If the visa application is rejected this must be communicated immediately. Notification after the meeting will not be accepted.
9. Presentation Content
  1. 9.1.
    The Attendee expressly acknowledges that no presentations – whether oral or in writing, expressed or implied – have been made concerning the amount of business to be gained from the Summit, its success or that IBC , its employees or other entities allied with them have made any guarantees or assurances concerning the Summit.
  2. 9.2.
    The Attendee expressly acknowledges that the opinions expressed by speakers do not necessarily represent the views of IBC. IBC will therefore not accept liability arising from any actions taken as a result of presentation content.
10. Data Protection and Sharing of Contact Details
  1. 10.1.
    When you register, you will be asked to complete the online form requesting your full name, postal address, email address and telephone number. IBC will collect and store all data for the preparation and execution of the Summit. By registering for the Summit, Attendees consent to the collection, use, and processing of their personal data as described in this clause.
  2. 10.2.
    The above collected information is required to process and complete your registration (including the sending of a confirmation email of the registration to you).
  3. 10.3.
    The acquisition, handling (saving, storing, processing, changing, transmitting, blocking and erasing) and utilisation of all personal data is executed within the guidelines of the Indonesian data protection regulations
  4. 10.4.
    The Attendee hereby declares their consent for the creation of image, film and audio recordings related to the Summit and that this material can be shared and published within public reporting or used in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) about the event without entitlement to remuneration. The Attendee explicitly gives their consent for the use of their images captured at the event for publications and communications relating to the event according to the effective law.
  5. 10.5.
    IBC reserves the right to amend this data protection clause as necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws and best practices.
11. Rights and Obligations of Parties
  1. 11.1.

    Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes the liability of IBC and/or their subcontractors for:

    1. 11.1.1.
      death or personal injury resulting from their negligence; or
    2. 11.1.2.
      fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
  2. 11.2.
    The liability of IBC – for whatever legal reason – shall be limited to intent and gross negligence arising out of the Summit organization. The liability of commissioned service providers shall remain unaffected by this
  3. 11.3.

    IBC shall not be liable to the Attendee nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this Agreement for failure or delay in performing any obligation under this Agreement if failure or delay:

    1. 11.3.1.
      is caused by or results from causes affecting the city where the conference takes place
    2. 11.3.2.

      is beyond the reasonable control of the affected party and against which such party could not reasonably have provided against before entering into this Agreement, including, but not limited to, embargoes, war (whether war be declared or not), insurrections, acts of terrorism, riots, civil commotions, strikes or lockouts (by persons other than the parties, their affiliates and/or subcontractors, and their respective employees), fire, floods, or other acts of God.

    3. (Clause 11.3 shall be referred to as the “Force Majeure Clause”).

  4. 11.4.
    Oral agreements shall not be binding if these have not been confirmed in writing in agreement with IBC.
  5. 11.5.
    All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from this Agreement.
  6. 11.6.
    The Attendee shall take part in the Summit and/or post-Summit tour at their own risk.
  7. 11.7.
    The Attendee shall be bound by the conditions, rules and regulations set forth in this Terms and Conditions and any changes must be made in writing and signed by an authorised official of IBC who shall have full power to interpret and to make or amend these rules, provided that such amendments and additions do not operate to diminish the rights reserved for the Attendee under this Agreement and shall not operate to increase the liabilities of its sponsors, agents or employees.
  8. 11.8.
    The Attendee shall not do or shall cease doing anything which in IBC’s reasonable opinion is or might be prejudicial, defamatory or otherwise in contravention of what was envisaged under this Agreement. The Attendee shall not permit raffles, donations or other promotional measures that require members, attendees, guests or any other persons to be present at a specified location and time, and all unusual promotional plans must be approved by IBC
  9. 11.9.
    If it appears to IBC that any Attendee may be engaged in activities that are deemed to be contrary to the best interests of the Summit, the Attendee may be refused the right to participate in the event further.
  10. 11.10.
    The rights of the Attendee shall not be assignable to any other organisation, firm, person or otherwise.
12. Non-Commercialization of Summit Materials
  1. 12.1.
    Attendees are strictly prohibited from commercializing any materials provided during the Summit without prior written consent from IBC. This includes, but is not limited to, selling, distributing, or otherwise using the event materials, such as presentations, handouts, recordings, digital content, and any other information or resources provided to attendees during the Summit, for commercial purposes.
  2. 12.2.
    Any Attendee wishing to use Summit materials for commercial purposes must submit a written request to IBC, outlining the intended use and purpose. IBC will review the request and provide written consent if deemed appropriate.
  3. 12.3.
    Any attendee found to be commercializing Summit materials without prior written consent from IBC will be subject to legal action and may be banned from participating in future events organized by IBC.
  4. 12.4.
    All intellectual property rights in the Summit materials remain with IBC or the respective authors and creators. Attendees do not obtain any ownership rights in the Summit materials by attending the Summit and therefore should not violate any prevailing regulations regarding intellectual property rights.
13. Applicable Law, Place of Fulfilment and Place of Jurisdiction

This Agreement is subject to the law of Indonesia. Any disputes or disagreements arising from or related to this contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations. If an agreement cannot be reached within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date the dispute arises, both parties agree to resolve the dispute through the South Jakarta District Court.

14. Severability Clause

In the event that any provision or part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, only that particular provision or part so found, and not the entire Agreement, will be inoperative. The parties are obliged to cooperate in order to replace the ineffective or impracticable clause by an effective or feasible clause, which results in the ineffective or impracticable clause being closed.

By registering for and attending the Summit, all Attendees acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. This consent includes agreement to comply with all rules, regulations, and policies set forth by IBC.